Its all here. Your Favorite Kahuna Kids - in podcast form!

Greg LoPiccolo

Greg LoPiccolo

Greg LoPiccolo is not only a Boston Rock Star, but hes one of the developers of Kush Hayes favorite set of games: Guitar Hero and Rock Band.
Kai joins the conversation that leads to not just the past but the future of the industry in an application called ToneStone.

Follow ToneStone on Twitter: @ToneStoneMusic
More info on ToneStone at:

Music by IAmSoLoco

Find more from IAmSoLoco
on Twitter
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on Spotify

Follow Kai on Twitter @NagaiKai

The Kick Ass Movie Podcast NOW on The BosNet! 

Sweet Science Cinema NOW on The BosNet!

Classic Kush And Kai HERE!
Ep 57: Cutthroat Island Coming July!

Follow Kush on Twitter @Kush_Hayes
Movie reviews at: www.TheBosNet.Family/reviews

Robyn on Twitter @Robyn_Seto
Polite Beer Expressions at: www.TheBosNet.Family/pbe

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Greg LoPiccolo.jpg

The 22nd Annual Celebration of Kush Hayes 21st Birthday - Aug 6th 2021!
More information to come!


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